INFIDEL Here you are in your cot inside your tent. From somewhere outside, you hear a plane circling overhead. Suddenly you realize you've been abandoned by your workers. They've taken everything they thought worthwhile and left you with a padlocked trunk and your clothes! The nasty devils! Well, get up and go outside. If you want, you can wave at the plane to let the pilot know where you are. But it's not necessary. Go south to the Firepit and get the matchbook. You see a glitter of foil, but it's just the silver lining from a pack of Camel Cigarettes and not important. Go south once more to the Work Tent and enter it. Get the knapsack and go north and west. You're outside of the Supply Tent. May as well see what they've left behind. Go west into the tent and what luck! They left you an axe and a shovel. Get both of these and exit the tent. Better get some water soon! Go north and west to the river bank. Drop the knapsack and look inside it. There's a rope and (thank heavens!) a canteen. Get the canteen, open it and fill it with water from the river. Then get the sack and go east twice and north back into your tent. Let's get that stupid trunk open. Break the lock with the pick axe and get the lock. Drop the lock and open the trunk. You've found some beef jerky and a map! Get both of these and open the map. When you do so, a strange stone cube covered with hieroglyphics falls to the ground. Drop the map and get the cube. Time to go excavating again! Go south twice to the Firepit, then southeast and east twice. About now you may have gotten thirst or hunger warnings. Whenver you feel hungry, eat the beef. There's not much of it, but one feeding will keep you going for the rest of the game. Also, drink water whenever you're thirsty. You'll always have enough! This is where we want to start digging, so dig a hole with the shovel. Don't give up, just keep digging until you see a square opening. When you see it, drop the shovel (you won't need it any more) and put the cube in the square opening. The ground under your feet trembles and you jump back just in time! An opening is here allowing you to go down into an unseen pyramid! So go down and drop your sack. Get the rope from the sack and tie it to the altar. Now throw the rope north and get the jar and torch. Opening the jar reveals a small quantity of oil! Dip the torch in the jar then light your torch with one of your matches. Get the sack and climb down the rope. You've located a circular room with a strange statue standing in its center. Also lying here is a golden cluster! Drop your sack and put the cluster in it. Now, take a closer look at the statue. Hmmm, sort of reminds you of your old teacher, Miss Ellingsworth. Never did like her, did you? Well get even with the old bat by pushing the statue over. Oops, the head came off. Oh well, get the head and roll the statue with you to the northeast. As you enter the northeast hallway, a huge stone slab door starts lowering, blocking off any further movement in that direction. Drop the head and go back southwest twice. You notice with amazement that the passage remains open, seemingly counterbalanced by the head and statue you left in the opposite hallway! (Yup, that's right, you'll have to roll the statue and drop the head to balance each of the hallway doors.) Go southwest again and you find yourself in the Room of Isis. It's beautifully decorated with panels of red jaspar and clay. Laying on the ground under the statue of Isis is an emerald cluster! Get the cluster and go northeast twice. Put the emerald in your knapsack and go northeast again. Get the head and roll the statue southwest twice. Drop the head and go northeast three times. You're in the Room of Selkis. This room is decorated in read, blue and green tiles and panels of beaten gold. Sitting on the floor is a ruby cluster! Get the ruby and go southwest twice. Put the cluster in your knapsack and go southwest again. Get the head and roll the statue northeast and northwest. Drop the head and go southeast three times. You've entered the Room of Neith, decorated in lapis lazuli and obisidian with gold scrollwork and panelling. Lying on the floor is an opal cluster, glistening with fiery colors! Get the opal and go northwest twice. Put the opal in your knapsack and go northwest again. Get the head and roll the statue southeast twice, drop the head then go northwest three times. The final room! The Room of Nephthys is just as fantastic as the other rooms and look! There's a large diamond cluster! Get the cluster and go southeast three times. Put the diamond in your sack, get the sack and climb back up the rope. We're going to pay a visit to the Royal Barge. You should be carrying the torch, jar, matches, canteen, axe and wearing the knapsack. Go south from the Chamber of Ra twice, northeast, then northwest. You've located the Barge Chamber. The Royal Barge is still here, although probably very brittle and dry after centuries of disuse. Go west, north and east. Behind the Barge is a steep passageway with a long descending ramp. Go north until you get to the Inner Chamber. Before you, you see the remains of another intrepid adventurer. As you bend over him, you catch the glitter of something shiny. Don't swallow this bait, my friend! It's what killed him. A ring with a poisoned pin encased in the band! Leave it lying there and go east and south. You've found the Silver Alcove and sitting here on a rough-hewen table is a Silver Chalice! Get the chalice and go north and west twice then south. You've found the Golden Alcove and there's a Golden Chalice sitting in this room. Get it, drop the sack and put the silver and gold chalices in the sack. Get the sack and go north, east and south until you get back to the Barge Chamber. We're going to enter the Barge now, so go east, south, west and north up the plank. Go east to the Aft Cabin and down the ladder. Then go west to the West End of the Hold. There's a beam here that you need, but when you try to lift it, it seems firmly wedged in place. Upon closer examination, you see that a wooden shim is causing the problem. Get the shim and lift the beam. Ah, seems you'll need both hands to do this. Remember I told you the Barge was extremely dry and brittle? Well, you can't drop your torch since it would surely incinerate the Barge (and you in the process)! So put the torch in the knothole, drop everything else and lift the beam. You manage to get it up far enough through the mast hole and hear it land with a thud on the deck above you. Get the torch and everything else but the shim, go east, up the ladder and west to the deck. Get the beam and go south down the plank. Time to hurry back to the Chamber of Ra! Go southeast, southwest, and north twice. It seems there should be some hidden panels in this pyramid, but we haven't found any yet. There are two passages we haven't looked at yet, but before you panic, I'll tell you the east and west passages both lead you to the same place. We'll take the east one. Go east and west. The winding staircase confuses your sense of direction and you find yourself in a Cube. On the walls is depicted the the burial of the Queen. You must be close to her burial chamber! Go south and you find yourself face to face with a strange recessed panel covered with hierglyphics and embedded with nine bricks. Take and drop the first, third and fifth bricks (in that order, please!). As you take the fifth brick, a square doorway swings open! Here's that secret passage we were looking for! Go east into the Turning Passage. You see leading downwards a steep ramp, probably leading deeper into the pyramid. Go down the ramp and you find yourself at the Top of a Stairway. Go down to the bottom of the stairs. Rats! An apparent dead-end. But is it? Well, let's take a few whacks at the plaster with the axe. Sonuvagun! You've found a sealed up passage! Go west three times. Another dead-end? No! More plaster and it's covering a doorway this time! Before you go chipping away at this plaster, though, see those two niches on either side of the door? Put the beam in the niches and stand on the beam. Now you can start hacking away at the plaster. As you work, you see sand flowing from the bottom of the doorway. Eventually the floor starts to give away and you find yourself standing on the beam above a black pit! Good thing you were standing on the beam, eh? Open the door and go west, then get the beam. You'll need it several times before you're through. We're about finished, so go south and keep an eye on your torch. It may die out soon! Soon you'll start getting messages regarding the status of your torch. Make sure you are carrying the jar of oil and the matches (and make sure they're in your hands, not your knapsack!). When the torch finally sputters out, dip the torch in the jar, light a match then relight your torch. You can, at this point, drop both the matches and the jar. You'll not need them again. You're at the southern end of the Antechamber and before you on the south wall is doorway to the Chamber of Rebirth. Remember the traps and pitfalls the ancients built into their tombs to thwart would-be grave-robbers! Put the beam across the door, then open the door. As you do so, two huge stone blocks start moving together. Luckily, though, the beam stops their movement making it safe for you to continue. Go south into the chamber. On the floor in the middle of the room is a huge stone slab weighing tons. On its top are four round holes. The clusters you found in the circular room would just about fit into each of the holes, I'll bet! Drop the knapsack and get the four jewel clusters out. You don't need the gold cluster for this. If you'll remember, in each of the Rooms where you found the clusters, each room had a certain number of "@" on the wall. These were the numerical processions of the clusters, and it is this order that the clusters must be put into the holes on the slab. Put the diamond in the first hole, the ruby in the second hole, the emerald in the third hole and the opal in the fourth hole. As you place each cluster in its hole, you hear a light click from under the corner. After putting the opal in place, you can easily open the slab. Opening the slab reveals an ancient papyrus book and a spatula (used to open the book and turn its pages). You don't need to open or read the book, so leave the spatula here. You can leave the clusters, too. Go east from the Chamber of Rebirth and get the beam. As you take it, the blocks move permanently together blocking further entrance into the Chamber. Too bad, but too late! Now go north twice to the entrance to the Chamber of Eternal Royalty. Your quest is almost through. You should be carrying the torch, book, axe, canteen and wearing your knapsack. If your torch hasn't gone out yet, you should also be carrying the jar of oil and the matchbook. Put the beam under the lintel and break the seal with the axe. As you break the seal, tons of sand start pouring forth and you realize if it hadn't been for the beam, you'd have been squashed to a pulp by the stone blocks overhead! Open the door and go north. You've entered the Queen's Burial Chamber! Surrounding her sarcophagus are the statues of Isis, Nephthys, Selkis and Neith, each holding the cover of the sarcophagus in place. Further away you see the entrance to a small chamber to the east. So go east and you find yourself in the Treasury. Sitting before you is a granite table. On the table is a scales, consisting of three discs. The left and right discs are empty and the center one is apparently balancing the other two with the weight of an Egyptian Scarab! You must balance the left and right discs in order to take the Scarab. So drop your sack and get the two chalices out. Put the Gold one on the right disc and put the Silver one on the left. Now, pour the water from the canteen into the Silver Chalice. After you've done so, the scales will be in perfect balance and you can take the Scarab without springing the trap that awaits you directly overhead! Go back to the Burial Chamber and put the book in the large recess and the Scarab in the smaller one. As you do so, you hear a clicking noise from the statues' bases. Now to turn the statues and release the cover of the sarcophagus. Remember we found that the jewel clusters all had numbers designating their numerical procession. Also remember the names of the Rooms you found them in? Yes, the very statues you see before you each had the same number of "@" in their chamber! Turn Neith, Selkis, Isis then Nephthys. All four statues have now released their hold on the sarcophagus' cover! Now for the disappointing part of this game. As you open the cover, you see all your dreams fulfilled! The sarcophous is lined with gold and filled with jewels beyond your wildest imaginations. Alas, opening the cover has killed you. There is no way to get a satisfying ending to this game. You will note, however, that you've received all the points and are a Master Adventurer. Too bad the author and Infocom hadn't foreseen the grumblings of dissention the ending of the game would cause.